Latino Adolescents, Siblings, and Families Lab

Director: Jenny Padilla


Broadly, the LASF Lab is interested in families as a context of development, academic achievement, and psychological adjustment, primarily in adolescence and young adulthood. A major goal of our research is to advance understanding of the diversity of youth and family experiences within the Latino population as well as the cultural practices and values within families that impact family roles, responsibilities, and relationships as well as youth well-being. We are particularly interested in sibling-related family dynamics.

Siblings exert a pronounced and unique influence on youth across adolescence. Siblings spend substantial amounts of time together across adolescence, often more than time with parents, peers, or alone affording them countless opportunities to learn from and be influenced by one another. Siblings serve as sources of support, validation, and skill development that can improve self-regulation and emotional understanding.


Our lab is currently recruiting eligible members of the community to participate in research.


We are interviewing Mexican-origin mothers, fathers, and two adolescent siblings (between the ages of 12 and 18). If you live in St. Joseph County and are interested in participating, please contact

What's Involved?

Participation includes a 1-1.5 hour interview/survey.

Latino Adolescents, Siblings, and Families Lab