Developmental Studies Group Student Panel: From FYP to ABD: Tips & Tricks


Location: 212 Haggar Hall

Panelists for this week  are from the Developmental Area, but  students from ALL Department Areas are welcome to attend! AND: Snacks will be provided!

“From FYP to ABD: Tips & Tricks for Succeeding Along the Developmental Trajectory”



Caroline Hornburg- 6th year, Dr. Nicole McNeil

Amber Shoaib - 6th year, Dr. Jill Lany

Aryanne de Silva - 4th year, Dr. Mark Cummings

Rob Miller - 4th year- Dr. Dawn Gondoli

Miranda Gao - 3rd year, Dr. Mark Cummings

Ruthie Speidel - 2nd year, Dr. Kristin Valentino