Cognition, Brain, and Behavior presents: "Spatial Reference Frames in Perception and Action" a talk by Mrythe Faber


Location: B16 Haggar Hall


A growing body of evidence indicates that physical abilities can influence distance perception. For example, using a reach-extending tool leads observers to perceive shorter distances to out-of-reach objects. One issue with these studies is that observers only perceive distances from a fixed viewpoint. In this talk, I will discuss how tool-based compression of distance is affected when observers move to new locations and viewpoints. In two experiments, I will show that tool-based distortions are eliminated when observers move throughout an environment. I will also examine the spatial reference frames that contribute to tool-based distortions, and will discuss possible implications for how actions influence spatial cognition.


About Andrew:

Andrew is interested in visual perception, attention, and memory, especially as they relate to real-world objects and scenes. His current research explores how physical actions influence spatial representations in memory. He is also investigating the role of eye movements in the processing of space, time, and other magnitudes.