DSG presents Dr. Cindy Bergeman


Location: 378 Corbett Family Hall (View on map )

DSG this week features a talk by Dr. Cindy Bergeman titled "Stress Resistance and Stress Recovery:  How Longitudinal Data at Multiple Time Scales Can Elucidate the Resilience Process" (abstract below).  

There is a need to understand how psychosocial resources develop, identify the influences that threaten their maintenance, and elucidate the factors that support and promote their growth. The use of multi-time scaled data of risk and resilience can inform how daily emotion regulation is disrupted in the context of stress or over time to produce dysregulation and disease later in the life course. This approach can also reveal how resilience resources counteract these adverse processes and allow others to thrive and be well. Dynamic Systems Analysis captures the physiological and psychological structures that underlie the process of development by explicitly mapping parameters of change on to the aspects of functioning to which they correspond. Several examples will be presented. Research of this type provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the stressors to which adults are exposed, the personal resources upon which they are able to draw, and the emotional and physiological outcomes through which stress is manifested and may eventually contribute to disability and disease. 

DSG meets on Tuesdays 3:30-4:45 in Corbett 378. All are welcome to attend!