CBBSG Introductory Meeting and Social


Location: 376 Corbett Family Hall (View on map )

Welcome back! We will be having our Cognition, Brain, and Behavior Study Group (CBBSG) on Mondays from 12-1pm in Corbett E378. All are welcome to attend. 

 Our first CBBSG will be a little different than usual because the CBB faculty will be meeting during that time. We will have the CBB grad students (and anyone else who would like to join) get together for an introductory meeting/social on Monday, September 2nd at 12-1pm in Corbett E376. This will be a great chance to get to know everyone in the CBB area, share a little bit about yourselves and your research, and answer questions that the 1st years might have. Pizza will be served for attendees.