Anre Venter

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Teaching Professor

Teaching Professor
386 Corbett Family Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556

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Research and teaching interests

Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, Drunk on Film, Philosophy of Self


Serving as the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Psychology Department for both the psychology major and the neuroscience and behavior major (the BA in the College of Arts & Letters), Dr. Venter's focus is on teaching, advising, and administering the undergraduate major.

He teaches Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, and a senior seminar on the self, as well as interdisciplinary courses examining the relationship between the built environment and human experience. In addition, he leads study abroad experiences to South Africa examining racism within the socio-political and historical context of the apartheid system.

Trained as a social psychologist, Dr. Venter's interests focus on understanding the self — what it is and what it does. Thus, for example, he has examined the manner in which factors such as the affective quality and the valence of interactional outcomes influence how we form impressions of and judge other people.


Ph.D. University of Notre Dame

M.A. University of Notre Dame

M.A. Pepperdine University

B.A. University of Cape Town