Dawn Gondoli

Developmental Area Director

E554 Corbett Family Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
+1 574-631-7762

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Adolescent Development Lab

Primary Area: Developmental

Research and teaching interests

Research interests include parenting, mother and adolescent well-being, body image, disordered eating, stress. Teaching interests include body image, adolescent development, socio-emotional development, parenting and family relations


Dr. Gondoli’s research interests focus on adolescent development within the family context with focus on the predictors and outcomes of parenting. Emphases of this work include articlulation of process models linking stress and parenting, within both typically-developing families and those experiencing ADHD.

Projects in collaboration with Dr. Bradley Gibson focus on cognitive processes underlying ADHD as well as current work on cognition and interoception.

She also pursues research focused on body image and disordered eating, particularly among mothers, adolescents, and young adults. Foci in this area include mother-daughter connections, interoception, and identity.


Ph.D. 1994 Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona

M.S. 1991 Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona

B.A. 1986 Psychology, Magna cum Laude, State University of New York at Buffalo

Representative Publications

Laboe, A. A., Hocking, J. E., & Gondoli, D. M. (in press). "Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating within the mother-daughter dyad: An Actor-Partner Interdependence approach." Body Image.

Miller, R.W., Gondoli, D. M., Steeger, C. M., & Gibson, B. S. (2022). "Parenting adolescents with ADHD: Maternal and child contributions and the intervening role of stress." Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31, 978-990.

Morrissey, R. A., Gondoli, D. M., & Corning, A.F. (2020). "Reexamining the restraint pathway as a conditional process among adolescent girls: When does dieting link body dissatisfaction to bulimia?" Development and Psychopathology, 32(3),1031-1043.

Steeger, C.M., Gondoli, D.M., Gibson, B.S., & Morrissey, R.A. (2016). "Combined cognitive and parent training interventions for adolescents with ADHD and their mothers: A randomized controlled trial." Child Neuropsychology: A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence, 22, 394-419.

Hillard, E.E., Gondoli, D.M., Corning, A.F., & Morrissey, R.A. (2016). "In it together: Mothers’ talk of weight concerns moderates negative outcomes of encouragement to lose weight on daughter body dissatisfaction and disordered eating." Body Image, 16, 21-27