Participate in Research

Would you like to help us learn more about how people think, feel, and act and how to help them thrive? The projects listed below are looking for people to help. Please review the project descriptions to see if you or your family members may be eligible.

Notre Dame undergraduate students can sign up to participate in research through SONA

While each research project is different, participating in research generally involves answering questionnaires and occasionally health evaluations, including measurements of blood pressure or collecting saliva samples. These evaluations are non-invasive, and every project element will be fully described to you throughout the process. You also always have the option to opt-out and discontinue participating in a study at any time.

BRAVE (Building Resilience After Violence Exposure) Research Lab

Director: Laura Miller-Graff

Who Participates?

Currently pregnant women who are at least 16 years of age and who have experienced abuse by a partner (physical, sexual or psychological) in the past 12 months.

What’s Involved

Participants will participate in a series of interviews (2-3.5 hours) over the course of approximately 1.5 years and will also receive a group-based support program (5 sessions).

More info about BRAVE (Building Resilience After Violence Exposure) Research Lab

Development & Psychopathology Laboratory

Director: Kristin Valentino

Who Participates?

Children aged 6-8 and their mothers

What’s Involved

Mothers and children will participate in two visits to the Shaw Center for Children & Families, spaced 1 year apart. Visits include survey questions, parent-child interaction tasks, child emotion tasks, and heartbeat measurement.

More info about Development & Psychopathology Laboratory

Family Studies Lab

Director: E. Mark Cummings

Who Participates?

For the Happy Families Project: single and two-parent families with at least one child between 5 and 17 years old. For SPARC: two-parent families that include a typically developing child between 10 and 18 years old and a child of any age with an intellectual or developmental disability.

What’s Involved

Participants will answer online survey questions, participate in Zoom visits with members of the project team, and receive information to review on their own. Participation occurs over the course of one year, with the majority of active participation occurring over the course of approximately four weeks, followed by brief sessions occurring 6-12 months later.

More info about Family Studies Lab

Latino Adolescents, Siblings, and Families Lab

Director: Jenny Padilla

Who Participates?

We are interviewing Mexican-origin mothers, fathers, and two adolescent siblings (between the ages of 12 and 18). If you live in St. Joseph County and are interested in participating, please contact

What’s Involved

Participation includes a 1-1.5 hour interview/survey.

More info about Latino Adolescents, Siblings, and Families Lab

Learning Analytics and Measurement in Behavioral Sciences (LAMBS)

Director: Ying (Alison) Cheng

Who Participates?

Exploring test mode effect (computerized adaptive testing vs. traditional test) on students' performance and anxiety

What’s Involved

Participants will take a statistics test and questionnaires online.

More info about Learning Analytics and Measurement in Behavioral Sciences (LAMBS)

Sleep, Stress, and Memory (SAM) Lab

Director: Jessica Payne

Who Participates?

Young and middle-aged adults from the community (up to age 59). Notre Dame students are encouraged to also participate. 

What’s Involved

Depending on the study, participants will sleep in the lab and perform computer tasks and fill out questionnaires - payment up to $100 for participation

More info about Sleep, Stress, and Memory (SAM) Lab

Suicide Prevention Initiative—Research, Intervention, & Training (SPIRIT)

Director: Theodore Beauchaine

Who Participates?

Adolescents, ages 13-17, who experience two or more of the following: trouble controlling emotions, social isolation, self-injury (e.g., cutting), impulsivity, depression, alcohol or other substance misuse.

What’s Involved

Participation occurs over the course of 13 months, with the majority of active participation occurring over the course of four weeks, followed by one session occurring 12 months later. Three visits to our clinic (beginning, 1-month, 1-year); all other participation is by phone app.

More info about Suicide Prevention Initiative—Research, Intervention, & Training (SPIRIT)

Visual Cognition Laboratory

Director: James R. Brockmole

Who Participates?

College-age adults

What’s Involved

Participants will generally complete a set of computer-based tasks. The majority of studies are less than 1 hour in duration.

More info about Visual Cognition Laboratory